How to Set Goals After Weight Loss Surgery - Dr. Louis Balsama Bariatric Surgery

How to Set Goals After Weight Loss Surgery

How to Set Goals After Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric surgery requires a commitment on the part of the patient to prepare themselves for surgery. After recovery, people need to remain focused on their health goals to avoid undoing all the effort they have contributed. Establishing certain habits and setting small goals can help people stay on track and end the year proud of their accomplishments. Here are some suggestions to help people remain committed to their weight loss efforts.

Establish Small Goals

The goals do not always need to be about a certain number on the scale. Those mileposts are helpful, but other goals make the process healthier and more enjoyable. Decide to drink more water, walk a little further, or reach the next notch on a belt. Success brings pride and boosts self-confidence. Those good feelings can help people stay focused on the days when they struggle to eat healthily or do not want to exercise.

Avoid Excessive Challenges

Someone who has lived a sedentary lifestyle for years may not have the ability to run a marathon six months after surgery. The desired weight of some people may be unhealthy for them. Some goals take a long time, and some are not physically possible. Improvements require people to push themselves out of their comfort zones, but going too far could cause disappointment. Choose realistic challenges to avoid sabotaging the effort.

Create New Habits

Reflecting on how the weight gain occurred can help people avoid regaining weight after surgery. Everyone has a set of triggers or routines that led to overeating. A boredom eater may need to find more hobbies to enjoy to alleviate their boredom. Anger eaters can force themselves to take a brisk walk (even just around the house) when they become angry. People who snacked too much in the evenings in front of the TV can schedule dinner later and get active instead of watching TV. Introspection enables people to understand themselves better. The discoveries help avoid settling into old habits that could affect goals.

Join Support Groups

Bariatric support groups remain one of the most important resources people have after surgery. It is helpful for people to talk with others who understand the effort of recovery and how hard it can be to stay on track. Support groups are the perfect place to discuss goals and see what others have set for themselves. Accountability makes it easier for everyone to follow their plans because no one wants to disappoint someone cheering them on. Support groups also help people find workout partners who can make the process more enjoyable.

Schedule an Appointment

Dr. Louis Balsama, DO believes that goal setting and joining support groups are vital steps bariatric patients need to take. These steps can additionally help people as they prepare for surgery. Support systems are also available through Dr. Balsama’s clinic. Contact the office to schedule a visit.

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