Robotic-Assisted Sleeve Gastrectomy - Dr. Louis Balsama Bariatric Surgery

Robotic-Assisted Sleeve Gastrectomy


What is a Robotic-Assisted Sleeve Gastrectomy?

A robotic-assisted sleeve gastrectomy is a robotic bariatric surgery that removes a portion of the stomach, leaving behind a sleeve shape. By removing a portion of the stomach, its ability to hold food is reduced, causing you to feel full sooner. Reducing the amount of food that your stomach can hold allows you to lose weight more effectively. The sleeve gastrectomy is a different procedure from gastric bypass and comes with fewer risks – because the small intestines remain untouched, your ability to absorb nutrients will not be affected. Dr. Balsama uses advanced, minimally-invasive robotic technologies to perform this laparoscopic bariatric surgery, leading to better outcomes for patients in the operating room and a shorter hospital stay than other weight-loss and bariatric procedures.

Good candidates for robotic sleeve gastrectomy meet the following criteria:

  • Must be 18 or older
  • Body mass index (BMI) of 40+
  • BMI of 35 with serious weight-related illness


Some of the advantages of this bariatric surgery include:

  • Reduces the stomach’s capacity for food with the gastric sleeve
  • Causes gut hormone changes related to hunger, appetite, and satiety for easier weight loss
  • Causes rapid excess weight loss of 60-65% with maintenance of over 50%
  • Improves conditions related to obesity, like sleep apnea and high blood pressure
  • Treatment requires smaller incisions and fewer risks by using robotic technologies


During the recovery process, you can expect the following:

  • A dry, sore throat is common directly after surgery.
  • The bariatric procedure typically requires one night spent at the hospital.
  • Discomfort or pain when you twist or turn is normal. If it continues longer than a month, contact Dr. Balsama.
  • A specialized diet pre- and post-surgery is required. Dr. Balsama will provide detailed instructions.
  • Report any signs of infection, irritation, or pain around your incisions to Dr. Balsama.

Frequently Asked Questions About Robotic-Assisted Sleeve Gastrectomy

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