Stick to Your Guns - And Your Resolutions - Dr. Louis Balsama Bariatric Surgery

Stick to Your Guns – And Your Resolutions

Stick to Your Guns – And Your Resolutions

Losing weight and adopting a healthier lifestyle is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, most people have given up or lost sight of their goals by the time January is over. If you’re serious about achieving better health, there are tools you can use to keep on track with your resolutions throughout the year. Here are four steps to sticking to your New Year’s resolution.

Practice Self Confidence

When you first start losing weight, it’s easy to only think about your end goal, which can seem impossibly far away. Keep a positive mindset throughout the journey by finding things to feel confident about at every stage. It’s much easier to get off the couch and exercise and to stay away from comfort foods when you’re feeling happier and more confident.

Lean on a Support System

Research shows that those who have a solid support system around them are more successful at reaching their weight-loss goals than those who go it alone. This could be trusted friends, family members, or a support group. Even an online community can help you stay on track with your goals and keep motivated. The Mayo Clinic urges those trying to lose weight to find people in their lives who they can turn to for emotional support, to encourage you when things get tough, for practical support, to help you with things like childcare or meal prepping, and for inspiration.

Avoid Temptations to Stray

The key to weight loss is a consistent, healthy lifestyle. There are several tricks to avoiding temptation along the way. These include drinking more water, so that you aren’t confusing thirst for hunger, planning meals ahead of time, and avoiding keeping unhealthy foods in your house. Another key to avoiding temptations is to find an outlet for your stress outside of snacking, such as meditating, crafting, or going for a walk.

Focus on the Positives

Getting to a healthy weight usually means forgoing some of our favorite snacks and treats and getting out of old habits. If you’re only focused on what you feel deprived of, it’s more likely that you’ll give up on your goals. Instead, try to keep the positive things that you’re adding to your life at the forefront. Focus on a favorite new healthy recipe or a fun form of exercise that you’ve tried recently instead.

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