How Revisional Bariatric Surgery Can Help - Dr. Louis Balsama Bariatric Surgery

How Revisional Bariatric Surgery Can Help

How Revisional Bariatric Surgery Can Help

Losing weight is hard. In fact, for some people, it’s nearly impossible. But losing weight is far more than wanting to look good in a bathing suit– for many, it’s a matter of getting healthy and reducing their risks. While many patients undergo gastric bypass with excellent results, there are times when a revisional surgery can help. Here’s what to know about this option and when you should meet with your bariatric surgeon to discuss your options.

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery, which is sometimes known as gastric bypass, is an operation that’s geared toward weight loss. This surgical procedure is meant to decrease the amount of food that can be held in the stomach at one time. It’s an extremely effective way to lose weight because it will physically limit your consumption of food. Despite the benefits, though, it’s not for everyone. Bariatric surgery is a major surgery that comes with potential health risks, and its overall success relies heavily on many things such as willpower, lifestyle changes, and realistic expectations.

What is Revision Gastric Bypass?

A revision gastric bypass surgery is similar to a regular one, except that it’s minimally invasive. This procedure is aimed at helping patients lose weight if the initial bariatric surgery hasn’t brought about progress. Sometimes, the first operation doesn’t achieve the intended results. This can be due to a variety of issues that come with bariatric surgery, including:

  • The gastric pouch is enlarged
  • The gastric band has slipped
  • There’s an opening between the stomach and stomach pouch
  • The staple lines are leaking

Another reason people commonly need a revision gastric bypass is because they’re experiencing complications such as stomach ulcers, malnutrition, tissue scarring, anemia and, in rare cases, bone loss.

What are the risks of a revision gastric bypass?

Although a bariatric surgery revision is meant to correct any issues that occurred with the first procedure, it’s still a surgical procedure, so it’s not without its own risks. These risks include infections, leaking in the stomach area, and blood loss. Also, a bariatric surgery revision can take longer than the first operation. Furthermore, you won’t be guaranteed to lose any more weight from a revision than you would with the first procedure. That’s why it’s important to meet with your bariatric surgeon and discuss your best options for revisional surgery and whether it’s right for you.

Schedule a Consultation

Bariatric surgery can be a life-changing way to optimize your health. To get started, we invite you to contact our Sewell office by calling or filling out our online form.


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